Pasang Skype di atas ubuntu 8.10 sila d/load installer kat SINI dan selepas insatll atas ubuntu 8.10 mungkin ada masalah audio (mcm skype x dpt record suara saya) Oleh it saya sudah jumpa penyelesaian.
Sila ikut arahan dibawah : -
sumber dari http://www.econowics.com/news-from-the-net/170/skype-problem-with-audio-playback-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex/
Then, I found a solutions for my problem, execute all of this command on your terminal, here we go:
- killall pulseaudio
- sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio
- sudo apt-get install esound
- sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio
That’s it! Reboot the system and tada…. now I can solve Skype problem on Interpid Ibex. Do you have same problem? I hope this tutorial will help you. If you need more references about your problem, you can go to Ubuntu Forums right here.
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